Components of FPC
FPC has a great flexibility and can be repeatedly flexed, which is very beneficial for some electronic products that need to be repeatedly bent. So what are the components of FPC? 1.Dielectric layer The dielectric layer is commonly known as the substrate. When the FPC factory is in production, it needs to conduct electricity according to the designed line, avoiding conduction to other places and causing circuit damage. 2.Silkscreen This is a non-necessary component. Its main function is to mark the name and position frame of each part on the circuit board to facilitate post-assembly maintenance and identification. 3.Circuit and Copper Surface One of the important component of the FPC is the circuit. And the circuit is a tool for breakover between the originals, In design, we also need to design a large copper surface as the grounding and power layer. Moreover, to ensure the higher quality of FPC, FPC factory will select the ...