
目前显示的是 十二月, 2022的博文

What are the Types of PCBA Conformal Coating

      PCBA conformal   coating   is a kind of protective coating, which will form a transparent protective film after curing to protect PCBA from environmental erosion.   PCBA  factorie s generally classify the types of PCBA conformal coatings according to the solvent content.       1.  Solvent -based   Conformal  Coating Solvent-based conformal  c oating  is a coating made of organic solvents as a dispersion medium, and it is also the type of conformal  c oatings used most by PCBA  factorie s .   Solvent-based conformal   c oating   has the advantages of good protective effect, cheap price, and easy repair. Its disadvantage is that it contains volatile toxic gases.     The solvent types of solvent-based conformal coatings mainly include hydrocarbon solvents, oxygen-containing solvents and water solvents. 1.  Hydrocarbon solvents are mixtures of materials of different molecular weights, such as aliphatic hydrocarbons and aromatic hydrocarbons. 2.  Oxygenated solvents refer to solvents

The Advantage of Ceramic PCB Laser Processing

     With the development of  ceramic PCB  laser processing technology, equipment and process, it has been widely used in many fields.   The probability of thermal deformation of the workpiece during processing is extremely small, and the subsequent processing efficiency is extremely high, and it is easy to realize automation.   So what are the specific advantages of laser processing technology? 1. The laser power density is high, and the temperature of the workpiece rises rapidly after absorbing the laser, causing  melting  or vaporiz ing .  Even materials with high melting point, high hardness and brittleness can be processed by laser.     2.  If there is no contact between the laser head and the workpiece,   there is  no problem of abrasion of processing tools .     3.  Moving workpieces or materials sealed in the glass shell can be processed .     4. The divergence angle of the laser beam can be less than 1 milliarc, the spot diameter can be as small as microns, and the action time

What is the Difference between ENEPIG and Plating Gold

       ENEPIG   and  plating gold  are relatively special surface treatment  technologi es in PCB.   They all have the characteristics of good welding performance, good reliability and long shelf life, so do you know the difference between the two?       ENEPIG is to deposit a layer of nickel, palladium and gold on the surface of PCB by chemical method.     Plating Gold  is to attach gold particles to the PCB board by electroplating.  Because of its strong adhesion, it is also called hard gold. This technology can improve the hardness and wear resistance of PCB, and can effectively prevent the diffusion of copper and other metals.     The  D ifference between  ENEPIG   and  Plating Gold   1.  ENEPIG technology   does not require  lead design,  and the   design  limitations  are small.  Plating gold technology must have a lead design, which has certain limitations, because the reaction can only occur after power-on.     2. ENEPIG technology can be plated with nickel-palladium-gold on th

PCB Dispensing Technology Requirements

      After the PCB is printed, various electronic components need to be welded to fixed positions as required to form a PCBA with certain functions, and the welding position s  of the components must be accurate and firm. In this step, the factory generally uses wave soldering and reflow soldering, but before performing the soldering operation, the electronic components need to be fixed to the fixed position of the PCB by glue, so the dispensing  technology  needs to be applied . So what are the requirements for the PCB dispensing technology?       1.   D ispensing   Amount The diameter of the glue point should be half of the pad pitch, and the diameter of the glue point after placement should be 1.5 times the diameter of the glue point. This can ensure that there is enough glue to bond the components and avoid too much glue from dipping the pads. The amount of dispensing is determined by the length of dispensing time.  Before the actual dispensing operation, the dispensing parameters

How to Choose FPC Factory

      FPC can be bent and folded in many ways. Compared with other PCBs, FPC has the advantages of lightness, thinness, and flexibility, so its application is more and more extensive. For FPC manufacturing, it is necessary to find a reliable and high-quality   FPC factory , so where should we choose? 1. Production Process Each process in the production process must be implemented in strict accordance with the production process, and each process must be equipped with corresponding testing and laboratory equipment to ensure the stability of FPC quality. HOYOGO has 2 factories production bases, with a monthly capacity of 500,000Sqm, and has the best cost optimization capabilities. 2. Strict Quality Supervision System FPC is not like other products, it requires high production accuracy. If the FPC factory has a strict supervision and management system, such as IQC raw material inspection management, OQC shipment test inspection, QE inspection standards and QA quality assurance, it indicat

Why are There Open Circuit and Short Circuit Problems on the PCB?

PCB open circuit and short circuit problems are encountered almost every day by the manufacturers of PCBs, and such problems have been plaguing production and quality management personnel. This situation leads to insufficient goods and the need for replenishment, overdue delivery, customer complaints, etc., which is an intractable problem for the people for the industry.     Why are there open circuit and short circuit problems on the PCB? How can we improve if we encounter such situations?     The reasons for the above phenomena and the improvement methods are as follows:   1. The CCL(cooper clad board) must be inspected before being stored in the warehouse to check the surface of the board for scratches. If this happens, you should contact the supplier in a timely manner and  proceed as appropriate according to the actual situation.   2. The CCL(copper clad board) was scratched during the cutting process, mainly because of the presence of hard, sharp objects on the machine table. The

HoYoGo's November Birthday Party

       In loving September, we welcomed autumn with joy; in golden autumn October, we celebrated the harvest with full of blessings. In November, HoYoGo welcomed our   birthday party . We got together to take a break from our busy work and enjoyed our relaxing moments together.   Mr. Liu Spoke: First of all, he welcome d   all  new colleagues who  join ed HoYoGo team . He hopes that   everyone  can integrate into  their   position  as soon as possible.  Today's world  environment  is in th e   V U CA  era, that is, the era of volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. How  can we find  the certainty we need  now ? 1.  Everyone strives to do a good job in  his  position and overfulfills their job responsibilities; 2.  In market, when we are relatively certain, the certainty will be higher for us; 3. We must not only be able to do things, but also be able to be human. Colleagues should help each other, support each other, and understand each other. 4.  The cognitive scope of