
目前显示的是 十一月, 2019的博文

The Materials composition of rigid PCB

The rigid PCB has alternating layers of different materials laminated together by heat and adhesive to form a single object. So what materials is it mainly composed of? 1. Base material Base material is fiberglass. The most common sign of this fiberglass is "FR4". This rugged core gives the PCB rigidity and thickness. Cheaper PCB and perforated PCB will be made from other materials. For example, epoxy or phenolic resins that lack FR4 durability produce a very unpleasant odor when soldered, but at a much lower price. In addition, phenolic resins have a lower thermal decomposition temperature. If the soldering iron is held on the PCB for too long it will cause them to be layered, smoke, and scorched. This type of substrate is commonly found in low-end consumer electronics. 2. Copper The next layer is a thin copper foil laminated to the PCB with heat and adhesive. On a ordinary double sided PCB, copper is applied to both sides of the substrate. Only a PCB with co

Market Prospects for PCB Proofing

PCB proofing is a small production before the mass production of the board. It is generally used to test the reliability and efficiency of circuit design and is a popular service on the market. So from the perspective of PCB proofing function, what is the future market prospects of PCB proofing ? In recent years, the number of electronic design and production companies in the market has been increasing, especially with the prosperity of various semiconductor industries, PCBs carrying these semiconductor electronic components will have more usage amount. So from this point of view, there will be huge PCB proofing needs in the future market, and this demand will promote the long-term development of the PCB proofing industry. From the inside of the market entity, PCB proofing can help enterprises verify the reliability and efficiency of circuit design, and also find some details on the circuit design in time, which is beneficial to the company to continuously optimize the circuit

What is PCB Proofing?

What is PCB proofing ? It has become a question for many people. In fact, it is not difficult to understand that PCB proofing refers to the trial production of the PCB before mass production. It is a method to verify whether the PCB circuit design is reasonable and the function is normal. At present, many organizations that provide PCB proofing services have a stable customer base and are also very popular in the market. The main reasons for this are: 1. Can help companies save costs:     The obvious advantage of PCB proofing is that it can help companies save costs, because through PCB trial production and professional testing, you can find out whether there is a problem with the circuit design in time, thus avoiding large-scale production without testing and saving the economic losses caused by non-performing rates. 2. Can help companies optimized PCB design:  How to etch the circuitry on the PCB and achieve higher efficiency is related to PCB circuit design. Through s

Why are There Open Circuit and Short Circuit Problems on the PCB?

PCB open circuit and short circuit problems are encountered almost every day by the manufacturers of PCBs, and such problems have been plaguing production and quality management personnel. This situation leads to insufficient goods and the need for replenishment, overdue delivery, customer complaints, etc., which is an intractable problem for the people for the industry. Why are there open circuit and short circuit problems on the PCB? How can we improve if we encounter such situations? The reasons for the above phenomena and the improvement methods are as follows: 1. The CCL(cooper clad board) must be inspected before being stored in the warehouse to check the surface of the board for scratches. If this happens, you should contact the supplier in a timely manner and  proceed as appropriate according to the actual situation. 2. The CCL(copper clad board) was scratched during the cutting process, mainly because of the presence of hard, sharp objects on the machine t

Folding Screen Phone and FPC

The FPC industry will continue to expand demand with the improvement of people's living standards and personalized design. Only mid-to-high end products will use FPC. Ordinary products or products with low added value cannot withstand this cost pressure. However, the demand at home and abroad is constantly improving, and the technology is constantly innovating. Therefore, this industry is still quite impressive, and the demand for FPC has been greatly improved, and its technological development and breakthrough will greatly improve our living habits and quality of life. The extensive application of FPC in the electronics industry will prompt FPC manufacturers to accelerate the research and development and investment of high-end products, thereby improving the FPC manufacturing capability in mainland China. The further improvement of FPC technology will also bring greater possibilities for miniaturization of products in various electronic fields. HOYOGO Technology provides one-s