HoYoGo's Birthday Party in November 2023

      The month of November is on the verge of bidding farewell to the season of autumn. The warmth remains unabated despite the arrival of winter. The promised birthday party was filled with warmth. HoYoGo people gathered together to send blessings to our friends celebrating their birthdays. At the same time, we also experienced the love and care in this friendly birthday gathering.


First, Mr. Liu said:

Although the external environment is still challenging, we should also take this opportunity to reflect and enhance ourselves. All our departments will continue to collaborate closely in order to fulfill their responsibilities and obligations.


We always pay attention to the alignment between our job abilities and needs, as we continuously enhance our professional skills and expand our knowledge reserves. Through ongoing learning, we incessantly refine our competencies and qualities in our respective roles, enabling us to better adapt to fluctuations in the external environment.


Yumi said:

She shared with us a famous saying from "The Analects of Confucius" - "I must engage in self-examination thrice daily". The idea of reflecting on ourselves multiple times throughout the day is worth considering. The process of objective self-assessment allows us to not only acknowledge our strengths and weaknesses, but also correct any incorrect behaviors, improve our shortcomings, identify and rectify thinking deviations. It helps us cultivate a positive and optimistic attitude, continuously enhance our Quality and accomplishment, and gradually become better individuals.


She further emphasized that possessing exemplary character and attitude is of paramount importance throughout one's lifetime, as our attitude governs our thoughts, which in turn shape our words. Our words then mold our actions, and it is through these actions that we cultivate habits. Ultimately, it is these ingrained habits that define the essence of our character and ultimately determine the course of our destiny.


A person with a positive attitude will humbly put aside their own self-righteousness and cleverness, gradually moving in the right and just direction step by step. Eventually, good fortune will come their way, enabling them to continuously improve and attain a better life. Because I firmly believe that progress is achieved through taking small steps. I wish everyone constant growth towards a best life.


Performance and Rewards:

The company encouraged and rewarded those outstanding staff members who performed well through the collective efforts and collaboration of everyone. Harvest teaches us the importance of gratitude, cherishing, and finding joy in the beauty behind the outcomes.


After receiving the generous bonus, everyone indulged in a sumptuous feast! Delicious food adds flavor to life, making every day a delightful experience.


Issue Birthday gifts:

Mr. Liu presented gifts to the birthday team members and wished them a joyful birthday!


Birthday Celebration:

Since it is a birthday party, cake is, of course, indispensable. The birthday celebrants gathered together, made wishes, savored delicious cakes, and exchanged heartfelt blessings with one another. Let's join in wishing them a joyous birthday celebration and may all their dreams come true.

The cake symbolizes unity, while a simple happy birthday message reflects the company's genuine care and blessings for all HoYoGo people!

The November birthday celebration has drawn to a close, heralding the commencement of a new month. We wholeheartedly anticipate that each and every one of you will persistently strive towards even greater triumphs! Furthermore, our aspirations for the expansion and prosperity of our esteemed HoYoGo are boundless!



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